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Boards & Commissions

Interested in Volunteering?

If you, or someone you know is interested in serving on any of the Township Boards or Committees, you can submit an application using our Online Volunteer Application, forward a letter of interest along with a resume to Joe Czajkowski, Township Manager, 379 Main St., Harleysville, PA 19438, or email at

Thank you.

Board of Auditors

Three residents are elected at-large to serve as auditors for a six-year term. Their responsibilities are defined by the Second Class Township Code. In overseeing the audit of township financial records by the independent auditing firm of Maillie, LLP, Oaks, PA, the Township Auditors confirm the financial audit report for submission to state agencies, as required.

Members: Dr. John Nase, Andrea Dauphinee, James Natale

Next Scheduled Meeting

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled.

Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee (ASAAC)

The ASAAC meets on an 'as needed' basis to consider applications for inclusion in the Agricultural Security District. Along with the Township Planning Commission, the ASAAC submits its recommendations concerning such applications to the Board of Supervisors. This program was created in 1992 in accordance with the Pennsylvania Agricultural Security Area Law (Act 43 of 1981, as amended). It includes provisions to allow farmers to continue working in growing suburban areas protecting them from such complaints as seasonal farming smells and the noise from farm equipment operating in the early morning hours.

Members: Barry Swartz, Brent Allebach, Christopher Canavan, Joseph Czajkowski, Mary L. West. The Montgomery County Planning Commission - Farmland Preservation Administrator also takes part in this Committee

Lower Salford Authority

Operating as a separate entity overseeing the public sanitary sewer system within the township, the Lower Salford Authority conducts its daily business operations from their offices located at 57 Main Street, Harleysville, PA 19438. A workshop meeting is held at 7:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Authority's business office. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 7:30 p.m., however, the meetings are held at the Municipal Offices located at 379 Main Street, Harleysville.

Members: Chairman Karl Janetka, Vice Chairman David Scheuren, Secretary Barry Bohmueller, Treasurer James Natale & Assistant Secretary/Treasurer David Spause

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Sewer Authority
April 2, 20257:00 AM

Park Board

Overseeing the development and maintenance of the Lower Salford Township park and trail system, this seven-member advisory board seeks to provide public access and enjoyment to open space while preserving the natural features of these pristine areas. Members serve for a five-year term.

Members: Kent Krauss, Chairman, Peter Harubin, Vice Chairman, Jan Johnson, Ryan Beltz, Amy Burch, Andy Lazzaro & Mark Kelley

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Park Board
March 25, 20257:00 PM

Planning Commission

This seven-member board is responsible for reviewing subdivision and land developments. Serving in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission reviews plans for compliance with township zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances and makes recommendations on various issues such as layout and site design. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors and serve a four-year term.

Members: Chairman Manus McHugh, Joe Harwanko, David Bowe, David Goodman, Scott Bamford, Julia Hurle & Terry Crippen

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Planning Commission
March 26, 20257:30 PM

Zoning Hearing Board

As authorized by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PMPC), the Zoning Hearing Board conducts hearings and renders decisions on applications for variances and special exceptions. Guidelines for the granting of such variances and special exceptions are also stipulated by the PMPC. Appointed by the Board of Supervisors, members serve a three-year term.

Members: John Frankenfield, Chairman; Paul Ehrhart, Mark Fennell.

Alternates: Christine Schreiner
Marc D. Jonas, ESQ., Solicitor.

Next Scheduled Meeting

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled.

Recreation Authority

This five-member Board meets monthly with the General Manager of the Lederach Golf Course and representatives from Brown Golf, the management consultant responsible for the day-to-day operations at the facility. In addition to its role of operation management, the Recreation Authority will investigate the long-term debt structure for the golf course and Leddy's Pub and will ultimately enact changes to the debt structure as deemed necessary.

Members: Douglas A. Gifford, Keith Bergman, Karl Janetka, James O'Malley, Kevin McCloskey and Peter Henning

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Recreation Authority
March 27, 20257:00 PM

UCC Appeals Board

This five-member Board meets on an "as needed" basis to hear and rule on appeals, requests for variances and requests for extensions of time pursuant to guidelines established by Ordinance No. 2012-04. Appeals applications are based on a claim that the intent of the Uniform Construction Code has been incorrectly interpreted, the UCC codes do not fully apply or an equivalent form of construction is to be used.

Members: Karl Janetka, Steven Shaffer, Donald Carney, Jr. , Matthias Hufnagel & Robert Reilley

Industrial Development Authority

This five-member Board provides low-interest loan financing for land and building acquisition, construction and renovation projects that promote the creation or retention of jobs in Lower Salford Township. Proceeds from fees collected through the loan process are used for programs and projects which would otherwise have difficulty obtaining funding. Members are appointed for a five year term.

Members: Christopher Canavan, Aaron Bibro, Richard Mast, RuthE Potter & Scott Bamford

Communications Committee

This Committee was formed in late 2020 and held their first official meeting on April 21, 2021. Meetings are on the Third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. For a thorough explanation of the duties of its members, please click the link. Resolution No. 2020-29

Members: Kevin Shelly, Terri Ehrhart, John DelPizzo, Jessica Lare-Cassel & Harry Solimeo

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Communications Committee
April 16, 20257:30 PM