Lower Salford's Board of Supervisors is committed to maintaining our Township streets in a safe condition for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike and recognizes that maintaining trees can be challenging for individual homeowners. To assist with this effort, the Public Works Department has been authorized to trim trees along neighborhood streets where branches encroach on the roadway and may impact traffic or obstruct road signs.

Beginning the week of February 17th, Township staff will begin trimming tree limbs that extend beyond the curb or edge of pavement and into the roadway. All trimmings will be removed and chipped for use in our parks. Work will continue until it is completed and as weather permits. Our efforts will focus on the following developments/neighborhoods: Briarwyck & Bramblewyck (Sturgis Rd./Moccasin Dr. areas), Beechwood, and Robins Glen.

Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure this work is completed with the health and appearance of each tree in mind. The illustration below highlights the minimum trimming height requirements above both the edge of the pavement and sidewalks.

If you prefer to have your own arborist or landscaper handle this work, please make arrangements to do so and notify the Township by emailing us at township@lowersalfordtownship.org before February 14th. Any homeowner work not completed by April 30th will be scheduled for trimming by Township crews.

This initiative is a public safety measure, ensuring branches are trimmed to a height of 15 feet to prevent contact with vehicles and maintain clear sightlines. Property owners also need to comply with sidewalk trimming heights for safe pedestrian travel.

Trimming vegetation is one of the most effective ways to improve visibility and enhance neighborhood traffic safety. Overgrown trees and shrubs can obstruct traffic signs, impede pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and create potential sight-distance hazards. Additionally, untrimmed trees can damage passing vehicles and hinder the Township’s efforts to completely plow your street during the winter.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation while we complete this important maintenance activity. Please contact the Township by phone or email with any questions.


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