Events & Happenings
Event News
Floating Wetlands Treatment Pod Installed at Briarwyck Pond
In September 2024, the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy installed a "Floating Wetland" in the center of Briarwyck Pond. You may already know that the Township has struggled to keep algae blooms to a minimum over the years. Algae blooms in this pond have always been hard to abate due to the constant flow of water into the pond from neighboring yards and stormwater bringing in nitrogen rich particles from lawn fertilizers. The Floating Wetland consists of native plants in 100 hexagon structures secured together to form a pod, which is kept afloat by 600 empty water bottles. What a way to reuse and recycle! The native plants absorb the nutrients in the water as they grow, which in turn, cleans the pond. The Watershed has one of these pods in the pond at Green Lane Park as well.
Many thanks to the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy for choosing the Briarwyck Pond for one of these pods!
Alderfer Park Storywalk Dedication
On April 26, 2023, friends of the Indian Valley Public Library gathered at Alderfer Park to dedicate the newly installed StoryWalk. On hand were Margie Stern of IVPL as well as other IVPL Board and Staff Members to help cut the ribbon. Lower Salford Supervisors Kevin Shelly and Kent Krauss were also in attendance to share their appreciation for the Library and the many wonderful services they provide for the Indian Valley.
Fish Stocking
Three area ponds will be stocked with Rainbow Trout on March 28, 2024 & April 11, 2024.
Opening Day is Pennsylvania is April 6, 2024
Each year in March, the Township stocks the following three ponds with trout: Roth Park Pond, Briarwyck Park Pond and Alderfer Road Pond. Approximately 1000 trout are stocked over these three ponds. Please note: A valid Fishing License is required to fish the Township ponds.