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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Lower Salford Township require a Use and Occupancy inspection for resale homes?

No. A Use and Occupancy (U&O) permit is not required on the resale of an existing, residential home. However, U&O permits are required for all non-residential uses upon resale or a change of tenancy.

Where is the Township Building located?

We are located at 379 Main Street (Route 63/Sumneytown Pike) Harleysville, PA 19438. Our entrance is just past Rann Pharmacy if you are headed northwest on Sumneytown Pike/Main Street.

What are the business hours at the Township Office?

8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday

How do I find out if I need a permit?

Call the Township Office at: 215-256-8087. We will be more than happy to give you information on permits and their subsequent cost. Information is also available on the "Building & Zoning" page of our website.

Where do I find out more information about the Limerick Generating Station?

View the most recent publication regarding the Station

Who are the Township Supervisors?

Keith A. Bergman, Chairman, Chris Canavan, Vice-Chair, Kevin Shelly, Dave Scheuren & Kent Krauss. Visit the Board of Supervisors page for more information.

Can anyone attend a Township Meeting?

Yes, there is an opportunity for residents to ask questions or offer comments at every Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors. For a list of meeting dates and times, visit the Meetings page.

Where do I vote?

Lower Salford Township is divided into 6 voting districts. To find out which district you are in and your voting location, please refer to the Voting page. If you still need assistance, please give us a call at 215-256-8087. For more specific information on voting, please contact Voter Services at 610-278-3280. You can also find information on your polling place by visiting:

How do I register to vote?

Forms are available at the Township Office. Once completed, the form needs to be mailed to the Montgomery County Board of Elections for processing. Further questions can be directed to their office at: 610-278-3280.

Who do I contact for answers to specific questions?

Please refer to our Contacts & Directory. If you are still unsure, please call the Township Office at 215-256-8087.

Where is the Police Department located?

Lower Salford Police Department is located within the same building as the Township Offices. For more information on the Police Department, please refer to the Police Department page.

Where is the Public Works Department located?

The Public Works Department is located at 312 Alumni Avenue within the same building as the Senior Center. For more information on the Public Works Department, please refer to the Public Works page.

How long will it take for the Public Works Department to plow my road after a snowstorm?

During a storm, high priority is given to major roads in the Township to make it safer for emergency vehicles and school buses. After that is accomplished, snow removal crews plow the other residential roads. Cul-de-sacs are the last areas to be cleared due to low traffic volume. It takes approximately 9 hours for all the roads to be plowed during a normal 3” to 6” snowstorm. Help out the Fire Department by digging out the snow by the fire hydrant near your home. A few extra minutes then, can save valuable time in the case of a fire.

How long do I have to shovel my sidewalk after a snowstorm?

Remove snow and ice from your sidewalks within 10 hours after a snowfall. If the snow occurs after 6 p.m., you have until 11 a.m. the next morning to salt and shovel.

Please keep in mind that the Township Trail System is maintained for recreational purposes only and is not maintained as a sidewalk.

How do I schedule a picnic at a township park?

The pavilions at the Heckler Farmstead, Charles L. Reed Memorial Park, and Alvin C. Alderfer Park can be reserved for your event by calling the township office at 215-256-8087, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More detailed information about each park, along with the request form, is on the Parks Department section.

Who do I contact for trash pick-up?

Trash and recycling pick up is through private haulers. Look under Rubbish and Garbage Removal in the phone book for a full list. Recycling bins are available for new residents at the township office. For More information on recycling, please refer to the Recycling page.

Where do I get a recycling bin?

Recycling bins are available free of charge for new residents at the township office.

Where can I get emergency information about the Limerick Generating Station?

Emergency information is included in the blue pages of the phone book and pamphlets are also available at the Township Office. The phone number for the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Preparedness is 610-631-6530. The test siren sounds the first Monday of the month at 2 p.m. for two minutes. View here for the latest brochure on emergency preparedness.

Is there a number to call in an emergency for special needs residents?

Yes. Lower Salford residents with special needs who may require assistance during emergencies are encouraged to join the Special Needs Registry at

The Registry is a planning tool to allow individuals with special needs the opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies so that emergency responders can better plan to serve them in a disaster or other emergencies. The Registry is a cooperative effort between Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties, brought to you by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Task Force. 

Do I need a permit to put in a patio with concrete or brick pavers?

Yes, it requires a building permit. Fees are based on the square footage. Please visit the Building and Zoning /Permit Applications to print out an application. Or, if you are in the area, you can stop in between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and pick up the necessary information at the Township Office. For questions on completing an application, please contact the Office at 215-256-8087. Applications are not accepted for review until all required information and payment is provided.

Do I need a permit to expand or put in a new driveway?

Yes, it requires a Driveway Permit ($50) to determine impervious coverage restrictions for the zoning district you are located in.

How early in the day and how late at night can construction vehicles work?

Construction vehicles can operate in the township between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

During what hours can municipal waste collectors operate?

Trash and recycling must be picked up between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Where can I take my Christmas tree to be recycled?

Trees can be dropped off during daylight hours at Reiff Park at the parking lot off Upper Mainland Road through the month of February. Please make sure that all ornamentations (including garland and/or tinsel) are removed from the tree. The trees are then chipped and used for mulch throughout the Township Parks. If you have any questions, please call the Township Office at: 215-256-8087.

Does the Township clear the snow from the Trail System?

No. The Township Trail System is maintained for recreational purposes only. Therefore, the Township Public Works Department does not remove the snow.

Can I have an Outdoor Fire Pit?

Open Burning is not allowed in the Township. However, personal fire pits are allowed, but must adhere to specific criteria. Please see the attached flier from the Township Fire Marshal on what can and cannot be done. If you need additional information, please review the entire Township Ordinance on Burning linked within the Fire Pit Criteria flier.

Fire Pit Criteria

Do I need a Permit for Solar Panels?

Yes: The Township requires a permit for the installation of both Ground-Mounted and Roof-Mounter Solar Panels. If you are planning on installing Solar Panels, please apply for a permit at least 3 weeks prior to scheduling your contractor. The Township will need the contractor information as well as the location and specifications of the panels. PECO provides additional information on Interconnection that all homeowners should be aware of prior to going solar. Please check the links: PECO: Interconnection Information; PECO: Unauthorized Interconnection Information.